- [ ] Each page has a title tag and meta description that is within the required lengths
- Meta Titles: 60 characters
- Meta Descriptions: 155 characters
- [ ] All buttons and links are set up correctly without broken links
- [ ] Each heading level cascades correctly
- Only one h1 per page
- h2s sit under h1s
- h3s sit under h2s
- h4s (use sparingly if at all) sit under h3s
- [ ] All images have alt text
- [ ] Images are served in the correct format and compressed
- Formats:
- WEBP is the best format for images (compared to JPG or PNG)
- SVG is the best format for graphics or illustrations
- You can compress images using TinyPNG and convert to WEBP using CloudConvert
- [ ] Ensure all old URLs are set up with proper 301 redirects
- [ ] Thin Content Pages (i.e. Contact, Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions) have a no index tag in the head of the code
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
- [ ] Perform a Google Lighthouse test
- [ ] Look at the text only version of your site to see how screen readers see your content